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Horoscope explorer pro 3.81 free download with crack

horoscope explorer pro 3.81 free download with crack

Sun & Weekday based upgrahas (Parashara & Kalidasa) Ashtak Varga with Trikon Shodhan, Ekadhipatya Shodhan & Shodhya Pinda Ghat & Avakhada Chakra Favorable & Unfavorable Points Planetary positions at birth time Lagna kundali Bhav Table & Chalit Kundali Chandra Kundali Shodash varga kundlis including Hora, Drekkana, Chathurathamsa, Saptamsha, Navamsha, Dashamsha, Dwadashamamsha, Shodashamsha, Vimshamsha, Cathurvimshamsha, Saptavimshamsha, Trimshamsha,Khavedamsha, Akshavedamsha, Shashiamsha. Results for placements of Planets in signs & Bhavas.Physical attributes, Health, Education & Profession, Wealth & Inheritance, Marriage & Married life, Travel & Journeys, Lucky Stone Recommendation.Predictions on heads like Specific characteristics, Mental qualities.Detailed results of planetary conjunctions.PDF Export & Directly Email Language horoscope thru the Internet.Print on any printer including Laser, & Inkjet.Print any topic, facility to make sets (modules) for printouts.Page designer for making own colour schemes.Differing calculation depending for Northern and Southern India according to prevalent standards.Three types of Kundli Styles – Northern, Southern and Eastern.Editable database of Country & City Longitude & Latitudes.Four types of Ayanamsh – Lahiri, Raman, KP & Sayan Rehu Ketu positions by Mean & True method.Make ‘Modules/Sets’ of pages for printout to print only selected topics in a jiffy.Print your name on the front page of the Horoscope.Fast & Easy to use even by amateur computer users.See all kundlis on a single page using the Chat Navigator.Visual transits lets you see planetary movement in a chart on the fly.Here are some key features of “Horoscope Explorer”:

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