GETVOLUME will only receive a response if sent to a display with ID of 2. Response from a specific display can be requested by prepending an identifier to a command parameter string. If display ID has been set then: - Responses from the display will be preceded with an identifier, where NN is a 2-digit display ID. For example, TOF command needs to be sent as 54 4f 46 0a The tables below show standard responses where Display ID is not set. Network (LAN) TCP/IP connection port = 1986 Sending ASCII commands in HEX format In relation to Controllers sending ASCII command in hex format, the above item 0a must be added to the end of each command line. Straight RS232 cable connection should be used (not a crossover cable).

1 RS-232/LAN control commands for Vestel Visual Solution DisplaysĢ RS232-LAN connection parameters Baud rate = Data Bits = 8 Parity = None Stop bit = 1 Flow Control= No Note.